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Cérémonies du Cacao

"Un mythe indigène raconte que quand l'équilibre entre les humains et la nature est menacé, le Cacao sort de la forêt tropicale pour ouvrir le cœur des gens et ramener la planète à un état d'harmonie."


- Keith Wilson, le Chaman du Cacao

You took part in a Cacao Ceremony and would like to deepen the connection with Cacao, alone in the comfort of your home?


Your calendar does not allow you to participate in a Cacao Ceremony and you would like to meet Cacao at home, at your own pace?


You feel uncomfortable in groups and would like to discover the work with Cacao in the intimacy of your own home?

I offer to come to your home for 2 hours to share the fruits of these last 4 years of work with Cacao, and accompany you in the creation of your own rituals with this amazing Medicine of the Heart.

For people living abroad, it is also possible to do the private session online.

During these 2 hours, we will see together:

  • what is Ceremonial Cacao and how it differs from other cacao found in supermarkets;

  • how to prepare Ceremonial Cacao;

  • what precautions to take;

  • how to prepare your ritual space, according to your living space;

  •  what practices to explore;

  • etc.


I will also answer all your questions and offer you a block of Ceremonial Cacao (worth 50 €) so that you can explore YOUR relationship with the Food of the Gods at your own pace and in your own way.

If you want to get started or have any questions about these sessions, don't hesitate and send me a message.
Looking forward to accompanying you on the Path of the Heart.

Which Ceremony?


Public Ceremonies

In a public group.

All upcoming events are in the calendar.


Private Ceremonies

At home.

By yourself, with your family, with your friends.


Festivals & Celebrations

To celebrate Life and its unique moments (festival, birth, First Moon, etc.).

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